Does it happen to you that you can barely survive the most ordinary working day because you are simply exhausted and tired? There are many things that can be the cause of this, we will try to help you to get rid of this problem and "run through" your working day again.

Are you getting enough sleep?

We know, this is pretty obvious. But think carefully about how much time you spend sleeping. Every person is different and some people need more and some need less sleep. If you wake up tired, it's most likely due to sleep deprivation, which can be the case even if you slept for 8 hours. We're all different and some people need as much as 10 hours while others function perfectly on just 5 hours of sleep.

Do you exercise?

We know, you heard this hundrets of times.But trust us, you've heard it because it really is an important factor. Exercise improves strength and endurance, and research has shown that just 20 minutes of exercise three times a week is enough to make you feel better and more rested.

Are you drinking enough fluids?

Even the mildest form of dehydration causes a sudden drop in energy, so make sure your body is getting enough fluids. Ideally, try to drink as much water as possible, but herbal teas (with minimal or no sugar) are also a great way.

Are you consuming enough iron?

Low iron levels are often the cause of sluggishness, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating. Include more iron-rich foods in your diet – beans, eggs, green leafy vegetables, and peanut butter – and see how you feel.

Do you spend a lot of time in front of a screen (mobile phone, computer, TV, etc.)?

Bluescreen light can disrupt your natural biorhythm, so try to avoid staring at a screen for too long before bed. Try taking a walk around the neighborhood an hour before bed; walking is a gentle exercise that will help your body prepare for sleep."
